I'm going to be giving a golf lesson to a legend Richard Hammond you'll know him from Top Gear from The Grand Tour from even his YouTube Channel Drive tribe obviously Richard typically loves his Motorsports loves his cars. But he's potentially found a new love in golf so today.
Down here at Marriott Wesley Park I'm gonna give him a golf lesson I'm gonna see how he's swinging set. And give him some tips to hit it better and I think we should have a little bit of a challenge with the lesson as well I want to get him to it driver. And see how far he hits it and then.
With some advice and some tips from me let's see if I can get him hitting it 30 yards further nice okay Richard I'm gonna let you drive because I think as expertise goes yeah mate honestly that you're doing the opposite of what most people do when I approach any sort of vehicle really yes if you've seen I'm not very good at driving generally speaking this this will end up upside down. And or on fire well I trusted it'll make for a great video there's not much gears yeah. And you're ready to go we're just going to follow follow along. And I think the first question is tell me a little bit are you going to golf well um hang on moving um honestly I've I've spent a lifetime abusing it um because anything that you don't do you're a bit scared of on yeah. So otherwise I wouldn't do it. But then.
I noticed a lot of my friends out where I live in herefordshire they all play golf right and I was on holiday with a load of them in France. And they all went off for a round of golf um well they came back drunk but it obviously had absolutely brilliant afternoon I don't want to be like but I want to be able to play a round of golf I also want to do it because I've taken the Mickey out of all my life. And I quite like the idea of something that you've always marked having the brass neck determine and say I really like it why not you can change your mind. And why why have you give it some stick in the past because I'm I'm easily LED and it was peer pressure because my two colleagues do I think you've been very sporty to forgive me. And in return I will say I have no compunction about turning around. And saying to the world yes I mocked it all my life actually it turns out it's really quite a fun. And I'd like to be able to do it off-road excellent this is Scott speed limit absolutely flat out right Richard we are good to go I'm intrigued I'm excited I'm terrified at me too I'm also not very good at golf I've had two lessons okay I think we should start off with just getting a bit of a understanding of how you hit it at the moment. So we're gonna start off with something quite nice to hit this is a 56 degrees. So it's a sand wedge right I'm not going to tell you anything. Yet I'm literally really all I want to see is how you currently swing I'd like a bit of a baseline understanding of what you know at the moment a few more. For me was it supposed to go over there I think your swing without seeing it at all before those first four shots it's better than what I expected to be. And I think there's some real potential I could get you hitting the golf ball a lot more consistently. And a lot better could you get a talk will be a change without a golf ball. For the moment what I'd like to do two things grip change first. And it's not a big change all I'm noticing when you hold the golf at the moment your hands are almost quite apart all I want to look to do here is interlock those two fingers the reason why we do that is we want the hands to be more connected. And working together that genuinely right now is a textbook grip how does that feel it probably will feel a little bit weird. For you it feels a little bit weird yeah because it's different as you're coming down to hit the shot it's feel like the weight moves to your left foot good. And you'll see golfers as they come down start to almost oh yeah. So let's try this with a golf ball with your new grip and just focus I'm not worried about speed just folks I'm moving your weight around that left foot excellent that that movement was brilliant the only thing missing then.
You could have just done with a bit of contact with the actual mat. So again move the weight around the left foot oh I went up that went up that went up we need to focus first on consistent strike consistent distance we can Tinker Direction you can fix Direction much quicker than you can fix distance. And strike so again just brush the grass move the weight around the left thank you nice nice that's dead straight again 55 yards I think we can get this to 70 yards if we give it a bit more Welly nice dead straight love that 60 yards one more let's see if we can go a little bit more speed on the way down move the weight that is fantastic look at that Carrie wait 79 79 yards should we try to go longer clubs yes. Or no yeah we're going longer clubs. So we're going to take smaller steps that's a sand wedge yeah in between a sand wedge you'd have a pitching wedge yeah we're gonna miss that. And we're gonna go to nine iron so this is the club's a fraction longer do you want more speed. And there's less angle there's less Loft so this now I think the maximum distance you would possibly hit it is about 130 yards. So let's see if we get closer to 100 right these are different I'm going to mess this up now do not trust it the top it's okay I'm going to make only one very small adjustment when you set up to a golf ball there's quite a gap between the club. And the ball just come a touch closer great strike it does go further well that went 82. And it wasn't your best shot no I think we've definitely got 100 in this foreign have a quick drink. And he's eager to carry on hitting which is a great side he's doing really well a lot better than I think he gave himself credit. For I think our next.
Goal is if we can get him hit the 99 over 100 yards that'd be amazing. And I've absolutely love to get Richard hitting a driver no I hit it with whatever that bit is oh yes [Music] genuinely elated about that the club was traveling 82.2 miles per hour. And the distance 107 yards which I think. For you right now the nine iron is phenomenal it felt right it really did I didn't have to look at that to know. Yet that's a further stuff done should we go with the big stick okay I'll have a go. So what we're going to do first we've got we tee the ball up. So we're gonna stick one of these in the ground and tee up because that's that when we're hitting driver we need that so I'm not trying to hit the ground I'm just trying to get the ball correct and all we're going to do this time there's two changes I'm gonna take the ball off the T. For a second if you stand directly in line with that Tee with your feet together okay. And all I want to do is keep your left foot where it is. But take a a shoulder wide stance with your right foot perfect so the ball is what's clusters more forward in your stance okay because we want to hit up on the ball all the way to this time is just a couple of swings just trying to brush that teapeg out the floor yeah that's a weapon the would have been perfect yeah that would have been perfect let's go. For two objectives Club head speed okay I think is as close to a hundred as we can okay let's see if we can let's see if we can break 92 miles per hour. And let's see if we get close to 150 yards in the air with this club just brush the teeth using the cannon hmm I came off the deck so you just hit the floor a tiny bit no I hit that with that bit yep. So the good thing that you're not you're not hitting the ground which is great you're possibly not brushing the tea which we could do with. And just not quite hitting close to the middle just yet nice that was better. So 74 Club head speed and carry distance 105. nice 77 Club head speed and the distance on that one was 131 okay you've got this yes that's got a bit longer 139 78 Club head speed let me jump in there. For a second yeah I wanted to ask you to play a shot you're gonna give me a Target to try. And aim for distance wise bloody massive okay. So I'll try and get close to 300. yeah I gotta give it a proper time. So 267 and 161 ball speed she's honestly it's like discovering that um swinging or performing in the Opera or flowering just things you've never tried or thought would be for you are. For you because this is great I'm loving this did you start with swinging yeah well something you wouldn't expect to do do you know what I mean I wouldn't I would never go swinging normally I'd play with golf. But then.
You discover that actually this is great because you don't even just play around you can just do this I'd do this can we have a beer okay we're gonna go three more shots rich. And so far I'll say 139 yards I think you can get over 150. let's do it come on wow it went 128 definitely higher one two three nice come on ball Gumball 138 oh that's not bad though honestly I think you've done incredibly well what you've got. So far you've got good movements you've got a good starting base to build from you can hit your irons nicely you're starting to get some consistency. And you're starting to get some speed the next.
Time I see you we can actually play around that would I'd be delighted if I can do it all right Richard thank you. So much thanks for watching stay tuned make sure you like And subscribe subscribe to drive tribe 2 and we'll see you next.