All right guys welcome back to the rickshaws Golf Show podcast episode 188 yes. And guy we are here live in a castle at Lancaster Golf Club yeah what a place say hello everyone from Lancaster Golf Club I think you can do a little bit better than that hello Lancaster Golf course he's behind you um we have um just completed day three of cycling from Saint Andrews the home of the 150th Open Championship to Royal Liverpool I've now managed to clock up uh the mass isn't great 350 kilometers insane we've got another 150 kilometers to go I need to add a bit more time on you join me today.

On Barry the bike yeah. But there's a caveat I joined you today.

On Barry the bike. But for some short little stints because it's brutal it is absolutely solid I've said to a few of these people today.

Lancaster Golf Club it's not like a bike like normally a bike you're pedal. And it moves that thing you pedal it just doesn't move it's like a tractor how on Earth are you doing it me. And Barry have become quite uh friendly yeah I can see these past three days. And uh I know everything about Barry and he knows everything about me um he has broke down a couple of times the boy yeah. So the back story I don't think we've actually explained this certainly on the podcast. Or publicly um first off the reason why I'm doing this is um I did the war Charity Walk last year across Scotland from Prestwick to Saint Andrews it was six days six marathons carrying my golf clubs. And it was really really really really really hard. But I'm a weird type of person I absolutely loved it and we managed to raise 128 000 pounds for prostate cancer UK and thank you thank you [Applause] to be honest it's it's thanks to you guys thanks for everyone that listens thanks for the watches thanks for everything donated and I loved it so much that I thought I've got to do something next.

Year. So I wanted to connect the open venues so I wanted to do send Andrews to Royal Liverpool um. And even today.

We've started talking about how we go from Royal Liverpool to Royal Troon in Scotland next.

Year. And there was there was rumors vicious rumors being thrown about about doing eight marathons in eight days sick I squashed those rumors pretty quickly I said that ain't gonna happen. But we'll see so I wanted to do something again you know um a bit like me. And you'll know this guy I'm not particularly the best person at planning in the world it's about three months ago I spoke to my really good friends at prostate cancer and said I want to do something this year Matt. And Ed are laughing as well um I want to do something this year I want to do something bigger I want to cycle from Saint Andrews to Royal Liverpool. And I've seen a bike I've seen something online it's a four-seater and we can turn it into like a golf buggy we can pedal it we can put our clubs on the back. But when you say you saw that online what websites are you on to see that monstrosity I can't even say that word monster I can't say it say it help me monstrosity is that right that's good enough three times um I Googled it. And found that there was a bike that you could be used on a golf course. But also put your clubs on right that you can cycle which I actually thought was a great idea anyway I reached out to the company. And realized the company had actually gone out of business a couple of years ago so actually wasn't that great of an idea because obviously they didn't sell any of the things but what they did they actually um a few people did buy them. And certainly a a um I don't know what you call it like a science experiment base in Zurich Switzerland okay. And they use these bikes to take scientists to the middle of these mountains to do all this research. And there was a couple of them becoming retired. And we reached out to them and said could we have them. And they said yes you can have them on the premise that you give us three bottles of wine really three. So the great team at prostate cancer sent a guy up called Morts and a Transit van drove into Zurich with three bottles of wine and the exchange Happened at Midnight at the stroke of stroke of midnight as the as the full moon was in shots. And Barry became ours um and we actually took on Barry's sister as well okay Ethel Ethel. So we've got Barry who's the blue bike and Ethel that's the yellow bike because we wanted to take the best parts of Ethel like any really good relationship take all the good parts of Ethel and put them on Barry nice and that's kind of sounds a bit weird like any good elaborate there might be baby berries very soon might be baby Barry and Rick's very soon um so anyway we made a working Barry bike and we got him over to Scotland and I I didn't literally I didn't see the bike in person until the day before riding it from Saint Andrews and I met in this really shady car park and and I was like it got dragged out of the van I was like what the hell is that yeah because um it was it's in the state that's in. And it's and it's it needs a lot of TLC anyway we put the clubs to the back we we and off we went so we kind of just had set sail day one was the hardest day I thought. So far until today.

Lots of hills. And undulations out Saint Andrews day two was actually not too bad we went from bigger all the way to Carlisle. And then.


Has just been an absolute slog I think we've gone uphill by about 1500 meters today.

And you've encountered some of those Hills yeah it's a real slog well you you have recently ran a London Marathon with their little training. And you completed that last year you did it was it five marathons walk oh there you go six marathons one Marathon a day walking from. And from press Winston Andrews you are right now convinced this is the hardest of all the challenges you've done thus far I'm not exaggerating this start on Monday afternoon evening once I finish I genuinely was like I need to quit because I I could not I could I couldn't do it I was in. So much pain like my my average heart rate for the whole trip is like 140 550 beats per minute. And I'm literally peddling and peddling and pedaling and peddling and a couple of times when Barry unfortunately failed on us I've got my backup bike which is my two my two wheeled cycle bike strap my clubs to my back still with a bungee cord. And cycled on that that was really bloody hard I could tell how hard it was today.

When I met you. For the first time and got on the bike well I'm not a great Runner but I can run a 5k comfortably around 25 minutes. And you're similar like decently standard we got on the bike today.

We cycled 5K. And that took was about 35 to 40 minutes because it was just like this. And that's cycling like it's so difficult the downhill's a fun though so we broke two two speed limits yeah it was actually we went we went past a guy who shouted at us saying something like you're not gonna break any speed limits today.

Guys we're into eBay going up this hill. And literally up this hill like I think an old an old grandma in a walking stick like race pastors. And I think a couple of turtles went past us. And and and we were like literally like peddling. And peddling and peddling doing what we could and like I said the guy said you're not breaking any speed limits we thought we'll show him about two minutes up the road um we were coming down this hill. And the bike's got a little speedometer on and we were we were like come on let's do this. And luckily for us there was a um some Road Works being done. So National speed limit on that road was 20 miles per hour. So we were like we got this we managed to get to a grand total of 20. horse point Sorry 20.3 miles per hour yes. So if there's any coppers in the room I apologize arrestors now because I'll happily go down for that and then.

And then.

Later on on a on a I don't know what the road speed was we actually managed to clock a fastest speed of 32 miles per hour on Barry today.

And that was scary I really really scary because the brakes is. So sketchy it's like a leverage it's like screaming every time you pull it so yeah last year you did this. For prostate cancer UK this year for prostate cancer UK it's obviously a charity that you've now raised a lot of money for but I feel like you're quite passionate about and why is it that you've got you've chosen to to you know kind of work with if you like prostate cancer. And and publish such this caused so many people for me luckily in touch Ward I've actually had no personal um connections to to the to the cancer I've had other family members die of other cancers. But for me it was the fact that when I look at my audience. And and it's you know heavily geared towards males of a certain age you know one in eight men get prostate cancer a men of 50 years up is the most vulnerable 50 years plus the most vulnerable people to get it it's actually the most common cancer in men. So it's more aligning the the actual um cancer to my channel really and who watches the channel because you know it's so important to look after your health make sure you get checked you can either get checked with a blood test you know it's worth just kind of keeping an eye on it because you know it is it's a huge killer. And you know if whatever we can do to raise money. And awareness for it the awareness is bigger than the money to some degree we've got a funny story about the the money today.

So um you know when I say often these charity things I'm never quite sure how much money it's going to raise you know last year I blew my mind that we managed to raise 128 000 I mean it really did. So this year I didn't expect to maybe go as far as that so the donations came in really nicely and I did a very click bait title to get people watching a video to come. And donate and then.

The donations were coming in very nicely. So today.

I was like no let's see if we can really ramp it up. So I did another video last night basically saying I'm I'm like this is really really really hard. And we put a video to it which really pulls on a lot of heartstrings to kind of show the you know how prostate cancer affects people in whether it's the dad the Grandad the brother uncles Etc um and we started to really see the charity donations come up and today.

Um I actually did a little stint on um talksport today.

And Andy Goldstein got me on talksport about half six I did a little 10 minute interview on on the radio it's really good. So I thought I might have a bit of a boost you know I might have a bit of an impact so I literally we're on maybe 32 000 pounds raised at that point so I was like wow we're doing really well now. And I literally refreshed and it jumped straight up to 42 000 pounds raised and I'm like whoa that was at a big impact. So I'm reading down a few of the comments and it's like five pounds well done ten pounds well done and then.

There's a donation for ten thousand pounds I'm thinking what and you'll never guess who it was from it was actually donated by James Corden. So James Corden had listened to talksports he'd said love what you're doing uh like congratulations you donated 10 000 pounds. So I mean it's just like mind-blowing. So you know the fact we've now got 42 000 I think it's even over 44 000 pounds now raised I'd love to get over 50 000. So if you are listening to this podcast uh. And or you're watching the video and you do want to donate the links down below you know we've got one more day to go. And I think it's going to be really hard the last day unfortunately it's quite flat. But I've got to make up some of the miles I lost today.

Or some of the kilometers I've lost on today.

I've got to do 150 kilometers tomorrow. So it's gonna be a really hard day so if you can donate people who are listening. And watching um I'd really appreciate it as well yeah um you know what though there's been a couple of times I mean they the fans the audience are. So so good and the support I've had online has been amazing the reception I got at Carlisle Golf Club was really really good they had a junior a junior day on this is quite cool I don't know if you guys do it if people listen. Or even Lancaster Golf Club they were trying to raise money. For the junior section at the golf club so that day Sunday when I arrived they have kids doing kind of jobs around the clubhouse for donations so it might be washing cars it might be cleaning clubs challenges it might be beat the junior for 10 pound and they managed to raise sixteen hundred pound wow which is really good. So we did a we did a little six we did a little one-hole scramble me. And the Juniors and I said if we make power. Or better I'd top it up to 2 000 pounds and we managed to make power or better before the heavens opened it absolutely lashed it down and then.

So that was an amazing reception. And I'm not just saying this because I'm here at Lancaster Golf Club today.

But genuinely when weekend down that road there I was Bloody struggling like really really struggling me. And Guy were like come on we've got. And to see everybody at the front gate I was actually live streaming on Instagram at the time to see people at the front gate. And to welcome and the reception we've had here is really uh appreciated. So I just want to thank everyone here at Lancaster Golf Club tonight and thanks for the people who've been buying me the beers because they're really good [Applause] and I think I think there's a I'll kind of come on to the last few thanks. And uh then.

We can open it up to questions. Or anything else we need to cover um like my team have been amazing Ed and Matt they've been um living the life I would say running around chasing me trying to get drone for we're actually going to make a video of this whole thing like a mini documentary these guys have absolutely killed it. So thank you for that I really appreciate it and then.

The support team so we've had Sarah Katie Ross um if I forgotten so far Dan uh Paul I've been more who's on the on the motorbike they're all about there thank you so much they've been absolutely amazing uh Katie and Sarah who just there at the back if everyone's around houses so they've really helped me on the bike like they're absolutely kill they're absolutely killed worthy better than me I'm not surprised um less whinging about literally about two minutes into the bike he goes this is hard in it after that you feel better I'm like shut up no no it was really good. So huge thanks to those guys and thanks to like Carlyle and Lancaster Golf Club and Royal Liverpool tomorrow for just kind of you know last minute ringing up and saying can we come in last minute Rick Shields doesn't sound like Rick might get a room people think I'm really planned. And well organized um so yeah. So really cool and then.

I think while we've obviously doing a podcast in real life things the last we want to cover any more of that story I'd love to talk about our amazing week last week well I was thinking this before. So we did a podcast last week about the Canada live PJ tour DP world tour Shock kind of merger. And I can't remember at that point what day that was can you remember did we talk about the trip much to talk about millfield. And the lunch so the last week we had last week so last week we went up to Scotland and obviously we were up there. And then.

I could start the ride um we started to do these kind of filming weeks where we go to certain pockets of golf courses. And play and last week we managed to do a Golem which is a really really old golf course beautiful Golf Course hosted the Scottish open me. And Iona Stephen who's a channel favorite we did a scramble video that'll be coming out soon. And we're on the 13th hole when I received that text message about the merger which kind of threw me off my game yeah whatever did you break something oh is it was it a scramble something I've been playing. So bad at the moment but I've been thinking about the cycle of course yeah I've been training jobs. So um so then.

We played and then.

We got in um sorry the next.

Day I went to archerfield in the morning and weirdly Mr Peter Finch was up there. So I did a scramble video with Pete me. And Peter archerfield archerfield I mean it's one of the best places in Scotland if I could join any golf club in the world apart from Lancaster Golf Club yeah. And Royal Liverpool it would an Augusta yeah. And the old course but then.


Oh North Barrett and then.

I'm married at Worsley Park but then.


It would be archerfield it has literally got everything it's got the best state of the art practice facilities you will ever see on the planet it has got two amazing golf courses it's got this massive Clubhouse that's like quite kind of modern. But yet kept some kind of tradition to it as well and it's just when you say it's just if you look if you like golf which obviously we like golf it's it's Heaven yeah it is it's really really nice I think anywhere in that section of Scotland anyway you know that is just like perfect. So did Archer field. And then.

I didn't really want to talk about this so much on on the podcast but it really kind of it was really nice thing last last week. So I got contacted by a charity a few uh months ago now and it's um rays of sunshine it's called the charity it's like a Make-a-Wish charity and I got contacted about a young lad called Oliver who had a brain tumor and he's had it since he's very young and one of his make a wish was to actually play golf with me at a Renaissance Golf Club which is just an opposite um Archer field. So as much as I can do these things you know I will do. So I went and met him and actually in the morning he played repeat that's why Pete was up in that area. And we had lunch together so it's me Pete Oliver is more than a few from the charity. And he's an 18 year old lad he's had a brain tumor since he was very young what a positive lovely outlook on life he's got well um he's got into golf it's quite interesting actually I don't know if my mum's still here sure everyone's hiding behind the corner there um my mum surprised me at Lancaster Golf Club. So which is very nice um the story of him getting into golf was actually weirdly quite similar to mine. So my mum the lady sat in the corner there he's probably drinking is she drinking a little bit no someone buy my mother a drink surely um my mum got me into golf when I was the age of 11.. And um she dragged me to the driving range and I was hitting balls. And she became Lady Captain and unfortunately don't play golf now but what's quite nice Oliver's Story was weird really. So his mum played golf from an early age she got him into golf because he was quite um down-hearted he'd been through a lot of surgery. And a lot of chemotherapy or you know what what the need for the for the tumor and he wasn't getting much exercise he decided to try and get him out on the golf course and play golf and he said look I'll give it a go. And since that they've they play golf together all the time is he like the the release. And the mental health benefits for her has been enormous and he was he was really good. So we played we played nine holes we called it the Rick and Oliver Invitational okay um we're looking at potentially inviting you next.

Year. But yeah that's it. But I said we'll have to speak um we we made the rules up which was the best game in the world we've both we both played an amazing game of golf did you play well then.

I'd play terrible really with making your own rules up I cheated. And I still didn't break something sounds like wrong at the moment uh but the Renaissance is. So hard but yeah that that was really it was just such a nice you got to play with Pete. And Katrina Matthew in the day oh wow and then.

We we played as the sun came down at Renaissance at night and uh I've been texting him and all sorts now he's asking for like swing advice he was great. So and then.

The next.

Day we got um I can't think of my tracking archerfield the next.

Day yes sir archerfield we got invited which sounds very snobby. And a bit snooty we got invited for lunch shirt and tie jobby at Muirfield Golf Club so they've hosted the Open Championship several times in fact 16 times I think it's 16 times they've hosted the Ryder Cup The Walker cup the Curtis cup the amateur Championship the the open yeah everything everything you can host pretty much. And we got invited for lunch and I thought it was a way of kind of vetting us out I think it was definitely whether we were suitable candidates to play the golf the next.

Day there was a bit more to it than that though we got a proper tour it was amazing. But I just thought they're gonna get us really really really really really really really drunk and see how we behave I was worried about Rick I'll be honest I did the really really really really drunk bit. And passed with flying colors so that was good no it was really good we had lovely lunch we got shown around the clubhouse the history of the place was amazing well what was quite unique with it is when we got in touch about filming which we obviously do with golf courses. And Muirfield is one of the most exclusive highly regarded golf courses on the planet. And it's ranked like the top 15 in the world very quickly said yeah I would love to come. And film which was brilliant. And we were. So excited to go. And play this amazing golf course and film this video and a few weeks later they got in touch again and said you're still welcome to come. But you basically have to come for this lunch beforehand so we can kind of show you our history. And like Rick said kind of vet us out. So to speak but and also on that they said that we have members of this golf club who see it as a lunch club with a golf course attached. So we were like what what do we expect. And and Rick will um tell you this I am the most fussy eater on the planet. So going. For lunch in a shirt and tie I was genuinely nervous of what I was going to have. So we put our suits on and by the way I was quite embarrassed about that well yeah yeah. So I'm not a suit guy yeah okay the only real suit I've got two suits yeah one. For funerals one for weddings one for court three six that's my funeral suit so I kind of turned up to this thinking what do I wear like. So I wore my wedding suit not my wedding actual wedding suit the suit I would wear for a wedding wrong Vibe we looked like two kids on a promise we'll actually put a picture in the actual video of this so you went out and bought a new suit I bought a suit from Matalan high-end Matalan my my wife works Matalan head office so I've got a nice uh I think it was 33 discount. So I splashed out a quite a whopping 60 quid on a new suit actually looked alright in it you look great. And thank you very much I turned up in a three three piece suit blue suit and it was it just wasn't the vibe like do you know like when when like you know we look like two people going to the races I would say yeah they were all wearing nice light they weren't they weren't matching wasn't it was matching checkered Blazers yeah cream pants little loafers we're shiny they look flickers on yeah we just we just we we it was shirt. And tie but not our shirt until our jacket in time we stood out like a saw thumb I said not our jacket entire I was. So uncomfortable it was ridiculous. And then.

We're about to Golden golf club because the lads went and played a bit of golf I ended up saying I need to get out of this I actually bought a hoodie from Golan which was outrageously expensive it's like 90 quid. For a hoodie from gullan yeah. But anyway the good news was though the launch was Calvary. So I was absolutely over the moon massive Yorkshire potatoes beef veg sticky toffee put in. For dessert so it was my heaven. But it was. And the wine was really really cut yeah it was um. And also the other tradition they have is they've played pretty much exclusively forces golf. So you play in a four ball but you play alternate shot with a partner so it's fast you play really fast rounds so we played foursomes and we won't reveal the score yet have to watch the video um one rule in foursomes you don't say sorry no matter what you do even if you hit the worst shot in the world say sorry to each other which was really hard. For guy because nice do you want to say when you joke you did today.

No you come on it will it was arguably the best joke not doing it come on land it will right I'll tell you then..

So out that it will I hope it lands pretend it landed everyone here who's live just laugh really loud. So and it can laugh it was quick as well right. So we were obviously out today.

Cycling. And uh the guys on the motorbike Morty's phone kept overheating he had like an iPhone it always overheats in the Sun so one of the breaks they had a little fridge in the van so he put his phone in the fridge believe it or not to cool it down and we were sat there while he was doing that. And we were all stabbing a minute after Lucas Aid. And then.

His phone started ringing and uh someone said is that your phone oh yeah it's in the fridge. And dead quick Rick went it'll be a cold caller thank you it was really funny it was really funny. So yeah no. And then.

The next.

Day sorry it's the last day of then.

Uh Scotland and then.

We'll open up some questions the best golf course ever be honest and YouTube played it as well I've still got one more that's like where else have you been that's any good uh I got one more golf course that I've played this year that was that was fairly decent that's has a green lots of green. And the yellow logo but North Berwick was a very very second close north has anyone here played north barracus here at Lancaster a number of people have would you agree it's one of the best course on the planet there's a few nods yeah what a golf course oh he just said it's good it's good oh wow it's got some Vibes of the old course. And Andrew certainly the 18th hole we're playing back into the town he's got the clubhouse behind the 18th green but what an insane golf course that's literally on the coast see the coast so much there's so many quirky holes there's actually um a wall that goes across one of basically in front of three walls there's three walls one of them basically blocks off a green if your ball lands on the beach which it can easily do you play it off the beach it's incredible it's amazing. And we got a tea time for for Matt and Ed give everyone a little it's a really long cable so we after we played it is amazing not fair it's amazing the video will be coming out soon it's amazing it's superb. And no spoilers. But I made a little string of birdies yes. And I made a lot of treble yeah. And you played it later best course you've ever played best course I've played all right I also hit the uh green on 18. did you yeah hit drive real free would miss the port though free wood driver driver low cut nice it's arguably the best player that that works in the meeting yeah. And what I say arguably we maybe should utilize you a little bit more maybe [Music] um and then.

Matt you enjoyed it as well didn't you best course ever Yeah by far. So those videos will be sprinkled out over the next.

Few weeks um. So yeah should be good anyway before we leave everybody. For their fantastic Monday evening and I I've got fish and chips order on toe I'm actually starting to go really light-headed to be honest just just a quick one people are watching listen to the podcast maybe in the car at the gym you need to watch the video version because Rick isn't sat in his normal attire you're sat in a prostate cancer shirt that's very sweaty been honest this is my second one today.

You look like you need a good shower as do I honestly I feel. So I feel very dizzy yeah it's just a quick note if you're listening to this make sure you go over to the YouTube channel. And just watch it even if for a few minutes to see Rick and All His glory all right can I have a glass of water if you don't mind sorry I'm being a bit diva um right should we finish this off with a few questions from the floor yes. So we've got a microphone here that just stretch out a bit but you might if you do want to ask a question you might need to come a little bit to the front. And then.

Just speak into the mics obviously it records for the audio podcast I don't speak loud enough so everyone else can hear you has anyone got a question yeah first of all guys massive congrats on the last few days um it's been great to watch it on social media. And stuff like that my question to you is what's the best location. For a weekend away golf trip um in England and in Europe wow England excluding Scotland or uh England excluding Scotland yeah to be honest I'd actually probably say down the the West Coast like Hillside yeah sna Bert Davis day Liverpool game I'm going there tomorrow I'll let you know how it is please do. But yeah I think I think that picture of course is then.

The hillside sna burtdale gotta do Wallace Wallace Wallace is insane uh you can stay in Liverpool ideal if if you were going to Scotland obviously around Andrews are. So many amazing golf courses crail Ely also Andrews courses uh but east east Lothian we've just been insane we got an Airbnb didn't we it's really nice right on the front of the golf course at North Berwick it's heaven and then.

I'll say um Europe and actually probably got turkey I think some of the golf course in Turkey are just outrageous like stay like regular. And you've got Max real ragnum the Faldo course they're off loads on the fudlit as well so you get some great golf all all like 24 hours you could play golf so it's class some good hotels as well I'll start saving up then.

Yes I'm just wondering obviously you did your um video with Rick Daniels uh. And the lads down at mysco I'd be interested to see a uh a match with Rick against some of the talent down there yeah your games where you play where you start a 10 under. And see if salads at mask I could potentially uh beat me beat you yeah probably could um we we are. Or you could just play Rick Daniels and I've done with it be good I don't know if I'd want to get my ass kicked again um now Rick's a pretty good golfer um there was some good players there wasn't there some really good players there I think let's give him a few years let's see if they are willing to do it um still trying to recoup some money from that video. So we'll see what happens but I think I think I love support in the college you know I was there. For a couple of years um if we can if we can do more at the college than great she went to Moscow didn't you how did you yeah. So I think anything that I can do kind of there be great um I also want to take that concept. And actually go to a college in America so I think the characters. And the personalities will be very very different because a few of them who go from there. And move on to see them yeah really good just a note on that though this is one thing that I've ever put in the podcast. Or spoke about but I think we should give it a bit of light to now because it's something else you did on that day when Rick played at mysco. And put up all that money he actually also donated 5 000 pounds to the college and as bad as it sounds put it in the video then.

We thought it didn't quite fit we actually took out the video so no one ever saw it we'll check out the video yeah we did it's got the video. And what but yes that was another nice touch that obviously you gave back to that college I know you had a great time there. And they had great friends had some great night outs yeah foreign what makes match plays. So bleeding hard match play yeah I find it. So much easier that's a great yeah probably me too easier I find that you can have blow-up holes. And you can I think it's just I love the psychology of it I love how you can win on The First Tee if you rock up like with one minute to spare Chuck your bag down stick a ball on the floor without even seeing up. And smash driver down the middle You've Won you know I think it's. But does that happen in a film yeah. But I think I love the mental side I love the mental side of match play. And I love how you're just playing against one person um if you struggle with match play the top tips is feel like kind of trying to um yeah I know you might the sportsmanship of match play is quite challenging isn't it some. For some people well what about this then.

So this is one of the techniques I've got in the locker not used it on Rick. Yet but it will come one day we're playing together of course we both know that's a caveat you have to both know it I'm on a part three it's your honor right it's normally about a seven iron if I pull out my five iron before you hit. So you start thinking oh is that wind actually that bad I better hit my five iron two you missed missile it through the green. And I think Alma 7 iron which I wanted to hit. For long how does that sit with you love it perfect there you go I love it I love any of those kind of tactics where you give loads of loads of gimmies earlier. And then.

Don't give gimmies at the end I love this kind of if if you're playing Partners really slow you play really quick yeah what about then.

The caveat would be if you were say you remember here Lancaster Golf Club. And you're playing a visitor from another club you obviously have to give them some insight to the course that's only fair or do you not can you tell them nothing of course you can film nothing [Music] haven't you been the captain there yeah. But I can't I just can't remember why this they've had a redesign or a reject yeah you gotta be Bruce from Rick Shields his mouth any more questions yeah what's it like going from play on camera which I guess is kind of quite serious then.

Playing casually. And kind of how does it feel. And you know how much do you play casually now what does that mean yeah oh yeah I guess it's never casual does anyone play without cameras on um to be honest I'm very I played. So rarely without cameras it is really nice when I get chance it's really nice um. But but often I actually feel really guilty if I don't play if I play golf without cameras I genuinely get a feeling of guilt you know because I want to show people when I go four four under through five and sometimes that's like why do you play when you're dreaming sometimes just can't show it to the world. But no I do feel a bit more relaxed because what what's mad about making videos obviously when you are making videos. For YouTube you've got to kind of paint the picture you've got it like 150 yards out the wins into I don't really want to miss left you know I've got a good score going you kind of verbalizing what really is going through your head. But it's not really what I'd normally be thinking if I was playing um. But you've kind of got to paint the picture for a YouTube video because otherwise it's just like hi 150 hit like you've got to like bring bring the emotion into it really so my friends get really annoyed me when I'm playing with them and there's no cameras because they're saying what are you doing Rick why are you telling me all this just hit the hit the shot um. But yeah I I know you don't play loads casually you go to the range a lot I don't particularly practice I need to practice a bit more um I kind of I do my best to try. And make as many golf videos as I can um. And sometimes cycle from Scotland to Liverpool I just fill my time with that rather than actually hitting balls but yeah it's it's something I need to do more of ideally I think when I do like free up some time I'll practice. And play the young lad at the back at the top come on mum VIP and you're in there hey you've got the approval from my mom it's you're in um my question is would you ever do an episode of break75 at Lancaster yes are you are you are you on the marketing team are you on the social media team well we didn't vet this question very well absolutely to be honest to be honest we did actually try I've rang up in the past. But I think it was the wrong time of year. So when we get the right time of year we'll come back yeah what's a good time to play summer what's the part what's the par a bit higher. And then.

What's the cost record I don't know don't worry about that Rick um yeah we'd love to we'd love to. So yeah let's let's it might not be this year. Or it might be is when we can because we've got a bit of a tight schedule going on at the moment. But yeah I'd love to You're Gonna Come Academy. For me yeah oh wow okay we can become cabbage all right guys sorry to cut a little bit short um someone's got a bike ride tomorrow. So let's do one more quick question if you don't mind the guy in the middle is had his arm up a few times uh. But questions about the mental side of golf how have you having a bad round 12 13 holes in there just keep it together and not just want to give up and just trying to get through the holes but really that steady yourself to play a good holes towards the end mate I think that's the question every single girlfriend on the planet asks themselves if honestly I think it's very golf's one of the most enjoyable. But most frustrating Sports in the whole world as everybody knows in this room so it's trying to take the small wins um in a weird way like sounds ridiculous but even I could relate what I've done today.

Or the last few days into golf like the first day I didn't I wanted to quit genuinely I was ready to go I can't do this this is too hard. And but you take the small wins you go well let's let's try and get through the next.

Kilometer let's try and get to the next.

Milestone let's try and get to the next.

Pit Stop I don't think it's too dissimilar to golf like sometimes it's like I'm having a terrible round. But couldn't make a birdie could I make a power even could I could I hold that 15-footer just just something that keeps you invested in the round of golf but golf's bloody hard as we all know in this room like but you you need to set those small little wins along the way and even if you just you have a horrendous round but you can look back at it. And go you know what I didn't quit I didn't and ah I'd take that as a win and to be honest with you after the 13th hole when I ripped up the score card off mentally I did it was all right you know I can still go home. And enjoy my day and next.

Time go out and beat it so I think everyone in this room probably relates to a bad round of golf after not just 13 hours after two holes sometimes we just gotta stick with it get the small wins. And it'll next.

Time you go out and play you'll be stronger for it it's all right all right guys well thank you to Lancaster Golf Club you've been amazing your hospitality has been superb um we shall be back and I've got one more day to go 150 kilometers if everyone listening and watching would donate I'd love to I really would I mean I think we're on 40 let me get a live number on it right now oh wow it's gonna even look more um I'd love to what's up to I'm just wondering if uh Tom Cruise has donated. Or oh David Beckham or Tiger Woods no I'll just I'll just double check I think Tigers put tenor in um 44. And a half thousand pounds very good so [Applause] if you're watching if you're listening if we can if we can knock that over 50 000. And possibly more um it'll mean a lot. And thank you so much thanks for you today.

Thank you mate it's been a pleasure it was uh very sway everyone you know here in this room. But certainly listing back at home or watching this video wherever you might be you know either this very very small part of this today.

But I can only honestly Echo how hard it actually is it might sound like a broken record. For those people I've spoken to here today.

About the difficulty of it. But it's it's not a bike ride it's it's more than that so tough and the heat as well I mean it's best part of 30 degrees Celsius which. For the guys listening girls in America listening might not be too too hot but for reals it's very very hot so it's it's difficult please donate if you can Rick's doing a great great job uh raising awareness. And obviously so much cash as well um but yeah thank you keep going mate you're doing a great job thank you everyone thanks. For coming foreign [Applause].